Perhaps you need to spend 19 seconds with the sounds and colors of the Colombian Amazon? (Video sent to me by a friend there) #Amazonas #Colombia #Amazonia #rainforest #LaSelva
Perhaps you need to spend 19 seconds with the sounds and colors of the Colombian Amazon? (Video sent to me by a friend there) #Amazonas #Colombia #Amazonia #rainforest #LaSelva
Amazon forest felled to build road for climate summit
"A new four-lane highway cutting through tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazon rainforest is being built for the COP30 climate summit in the Brazilian city of Belém.
It aims to ease traffic to the city, which will host more than 50,000 people - including world leaders - at the conference in November.
The state government touts the highway's "sustainable" credentials, but some locals and conservationists are outraged at the environmental impact.
The Amazon plays a vital role in absorbing carbon for the world and providing biodiversity, and many say this deforestation contradicts the very purpose of a climate summit."
I told my friend and tutor that thanks to her lessons I was able to understand the Tikuna spoken in the film (well, a lot of it, anyway), and she said the Tikuna-speaking character is her uncle! She sent me this, circling him. #languages #IndigenousLanguages #Ticuna #Tikuna #Amazonas #Amazonia
Thoughtful review from 2016 of EMBRACE OF THE SERPENT (2015), which I saw yesterday. #films #IndgenousPeoples #Colombia #Amazonas #Amazonia
Lago/Río Yahuracaca, an offshoot of the Amazon, nice and full at this time of year. My friend sent me this photo. Wish I was there...
Instituto SINCHI announces the discovery of a new species of tiny fish, Priocharax rex , in Río Putumayo, Amazonas, Colombia #Biodiversity #Amazonas #Colombia #InstitutoSINCHI
Map of the Amazon River from 1707, naming the various peoples who live along it.
You can see in the source line that in those days, another name for the Amazon was "Marañon"--Cashew. The great Cashew River.
My proximate source for the image is a recorded class by the linguist Denis Bertet.
Congratulations, casabe, on being recognized by UNESCO as part of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity
All of us who have ever had you already knew that you are delicious, but nice to have that fact recognized far and wide.
NPR story:
Photo is my friend's mom letting me help make some. The Ticuna word for casabe is dowü. #UNESCO #IntangibleCulturalHeritage #casabe #CassavaBread #Ticuna #Tikuna #Amazonas #Colombia #Leticia #PatrimonioCulturalInmaterial
Eunectes murinus, the green anaconda, semiaquatic and Very Large Serpent...
A friend in the Amazon said that if an anaconda knows an area is drying out, they move to safer waters, carving a channel through the mud, and all the fish come with them. From then on, the place they abandon will never be water-filled again. #anaconda #serpent #snake #Amazonia #Amazonas #FolkWisdom #folkloreThursday
Let me introduce you to a great fruit of the Amazon known in Colombian Spanish as copoazú (Theobroma grandiflorum). These pictures come from Fundación Omacha's Twitter feed. (Alas, many orgs still are only there) It's related to cacao (Theobroma cacao), which gives us chocolate. (As the third picture says, you can also get chocolate from copoazú)
Fundación Omacha link:
#Amazonas #Amazonia #AmazonRegion #copoazú, #FundaciónOmacha
What does the Colombian Amazon sound like?
"Ser guardiana no es solo cuidar el territorio, es también cuidar de nuestras familias. Nuestra lucha es por la vida, por la tierra, ye por nuestros hijos" --quote from a post by Escuela de Comunicación Indígena de la Amazonía facebook page, October 1 2024. Photo is from that page.
“Queremos conformar la primera academia de medios de comunicación indígena en la Selva Amazónica”.
#amazonia #amazonas #PueblosIndigenas #IndigenousFilmmakers #communication #Tikuna #Ticuna #Murui #PuertoNariño #Tarapacá #ColombiaVisible
"Noiyuma/La Canción Del Delfin Rosado" por Jacana Jacana
"Este rio no tiene frontera
su agua fluye libre
sobre la tierra"
#RioAmazonas #JacanaJacana #TresFronteras #DelfinRosado #PinkDolphins #Amazonas #Amazonia #PuertoNariño #Leticia #PueblosIndigenas #Tikuna #Kokama #Huitoto
My friend in the Amazon sent me this video of butterflies by her boyfriend's fishing boat. #Amazonas #Amazonia #Peru #Ticuna #Tikuna #Cocama #mariposas #butterflies
Encontro das Águas, Manaus, Brazil.
#Amazonas #Amazonia #RioAmazonas #AmazonRiver #RioSolimões #RioNegro #MeetingoftheWaters #RioMar
¡¡conseguí un diccionario ticuna-castellano!!
It is (predictably) produced by missionaries, but the linguist whose lectures I'm watching (several years after the fact) says it's not bad. He also says it's the only dictionary there currently is, so ... SCORE!
Here is some Amazonian cacao for your Valentine's Day: Tree with fruit on, what the fruit looks like, and the pips (beans) from which chocolate are made drying in the sun (that last photo I posted just the other day when I was feeling nostalgic) #Amazonas #Amazonia #Amazon #cacao #Chocolate #ValentinesDay
You know that thing where guys are supposed to be thinking all the time about the Roman Empire?
... I am all the time thinking about the Amazon. All. the. time. It is the background hum in my processors these days. #Amazonas #Amazonia #Colombia #RioAmazonas #AmazonRiver