Samy Manga, le poète qui dénonce la "servitude du #cacao "
#déforestation #Chocolat #colonialisme #Insoumis #LFI #GiletsJaunes

Samy Manga, le poète qui dénonce la "servitude du #cacao "
#déforestation #Chocolat #colonialisme #Insoumis #LFI #GiletsJaunes
Recette de petits gâteaux croquants à l'extérieur et moelleux à l'intérieur, totalement validée
'...[B]etween 2015 and 2024, climate change increased the number of days each country experiences temperature ranges above the ideal for cacao growth by an average of two to four weeks annually...when the plants bloom and produce beans.' #foodhistory #cacao #climatechange
Climate change and rising temperatures pose a major threat to cacao production across the globe, with those impacts already felt in major producers such as Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana.
A new study highlights several low-cost, low-tech solutions that support natural pollination, building climate change resilience and increasing cacao yields up to 20%.
By Sean Mowbray
Grafting can promote cacao production without sacrificing biodiversity
En 2024, el #café se encareció un 103% y el #cacao un 163% por lluvias atípicas y temperaturas elevadas, mientras otros productos subieron entre 25% y 56%.
Con temperaturas globales 1,5 °C sobre niveles preindustriales, expertos alertan sobre riesgos de escasez y recomiendan diversificar las cadenas de suministro. #CambioClimático
Here is some Amazonian cacao for your Valentine's Day: Tree with fruit on, what the fruit looks like, and the pips (beans) from which chocolate are made drying in the sun (that last photo I posted just the other day when I was feeling nostalgic) #Amazonas #Amazonia #Amazon #cacao #Chocolate #ValentinesDay
I'm going to attempt this Make My Own Chocolate thing!
I bought another cacao pod at Saraga, and with the one from a couple of weeks ago, I managed to get 2/3 of a quart size mason jar filled, keeping some pulp (which reminds me in taste and texture of dehydrated apples) out to freeze for later baked goods.
First up, fermentation.
But here are a couple of beans I kept out, for funzies: