> ./masto.sh
>>> Welcome back to Mastodon!
>>> You are [yomimono]. You are in some sort of wandering shop.
>>> Behind you is a weirder earth (closed), just beyond which is a famous town of witches (also closed).
> inventory
>>> You have:
>>> a computer
>>> regrets
> order coffee
> program computer
>>> You make a #unikernel in #ocaml using #mirageos .
> program computer
>>> You work on a #secretProject ! it involves #crossStitch and #embroidery.
> look cat
>>> which #cat?
Grue roam outside the wandering.shop. Glad you made it and welcome.
>> The cats of the shop are varied and strange. They are welcoming, and look like they are awaiting your next move. Several are asleep. At least one is dancing a minuet to a sea shanty.