Welcome, Prime Minister Carney!
I really wish CBC would stop having their panel members talk over the people in the room – especially when both groups are mic'd up.
A nurse as Minister of Health! Imagine giving people jobs in line with the actual experience they bring to the table – whatever next?
Loving how many of these Cabinet members are non-White and/or women.
Krasnov's going to hate every single member of this government. As he should – because it's none of his business.
Arielle Kayabaga, the new Minister for Democratic Institutions, is a 34-year-old Black woman. She came to Canada age 11 from Burundi as a refugee.
She previously worked in Sarnia as a settlement worker for newcomers to Canada.
I don't know about you, but in my family, Sarnia's where we go when someone dies.
I'm so afraid for the next election. Calling it early is a huge gamble. It's still very likely to be won by the Tories. The earlier PP gets his grubby non-security-clearance-holding hands on government, the more damage he'll let Krasnov do to Canada.
@clacksee PP ain’t winning a majority, and with no one to work with him, his reign will be short lived.
He won’t need long to ruin everything.