Welcome, Prime Minister Carney!
I really wish CBC would stop having their panel members talk over the people in the room – especially when both groups are mic'd up.
A nurse as Minister of Health! Imagine giving people jobs in line with the actual experience they bring to the table – whatever next?
Loving how many of these Cabinet members are non-White and/or women.
Krasnov's going to hate every single member of this government. As he should – because it's none of his business.
Arielle Kayabaga, the new Minister for Democratic Institutions, is a 34-year-old Black woman. She came to Canada age 11 from Burundi as a refugee.
She previously worked in Sarnia as a settlement worker for newcomers to Canada.
I don't know about you, but in my family, Sarnia's where we go when someone dies.
I'm so afraid for the next election. Calling it early is a huge gamble. It's still very likely to be won by the Tories. The earlier PP gets his grubby non-security-clearance-holding hands on government, the more damage he'll let Krasnov do to Canada.
@clacksee You mean you don't want to appoint an antivax crank who doens't believe in germ theory???
@clacksee It's not always possible - for instance, how many people with actual experience in the fishing industry run for office and get the job as fisheries minister?
Sure, but it's important the job goes to the candidate who's got the best experience – someone who knows as much as possible about the subject matter.
@clacksee No, it isn't. What matters is that they're intelligent and diligent and use the resources they have (sometimes hundreds of career experts whose job it is to be experts in that subject) to perform the tasks the government sets them to. i.e. they are managers and communicators, not subject matter experts. Does it help? Yes, but it's not that important. I'd prefer a dropout minister with an IQ of 120 any day over an idiot with a law degree with an IQ of 98.
I'm done talking to you.
@clacksee You keep on shouting those ignorant neocon talking points and see if I care. Learn how ELECTED government works rather than thinking it's a business hiring candidates based upon their fit for a job.
I do understand politics and I happen to believe that the people heading up nationwide departments should have at least a modicum of understanding of those departments. I don't understand why you think that's a neocon viewpoint, especially given that it's the conservatives who do the opposite.
But also…
@clacksee whether it is now or in October, the risk is the same. The main advantage to calling it sooner than later is that the full pain of Trump's on-again/off-again tariffs has not yet been fully felt. I'm crossing my fingers that the current pro-Canada mood and defiance to the US is going to be enough to stop PP. But if the economy goes into the toilet, the incumbent party suffers, regardless of the cause.
It's a risk either way.
On the one hand, polls are currently on the up for the Liberals, so they might be smart to call the election early to take advantage of the momentum.
On the other hand, the longer the Liberals are in office, the more they’ll be able to do to protect against Trump. So every extra day is a blessing.
@clacksee The problem with waiting is two-fold: 1) Carney doesn't have a seat, so cannot sit in cabinet or parliament, despite being sworn in as PM; 2) remember that both the NDP and Bloc have vowed to assist the CPC to take down the LPC government at the next available slot. Carney can legitimately say he's giving the opposition exactly what it wants. It will be harder for the CONs to frame it as a power grab like they did in 2021.
1. It's feasible for a short period. John Turner did it.
2. The NDP have reversed course on that.
@clacksee AFAIK the NDP only backed off insofar as they would allow a vote on tariff relief but still wanted to see the govt fall. This is probably why their polling numbers are in free-fall.
@clacksee also, we are in a minority parliament that is slated to end next October. And it's a minority parliament that was paralyzed by the CONS filibustering until the govt would reveal details of an RCMP investigation - something that would have been illegal.
@clacksee @hfinyow it's currently within the margin of error of every public poll I've seen.
I expect they will drop the writ sooner rather than later. If they hold on they will be increasingly vulnerable to accusations of undemocratically clinging to power. The disinformation machine has already started the firehose of lies and even if they mitigate some economic effects, there's a big chunk of people who will just figure "Liberals are in charge, it's bad, so I'd better vote the other way".
@AlexanderVI @hfinyow
I've seen some polls that show them neck and neck. But the poll of polls still shows the Tories with an eight-point lead.
@clacksee @hfinyow popular vote or seat count?
Con heavy geographic concentration out west may be their Achilles Heel.
But I'm still on tenterhooks. Even a Con minority would be something of a win as I don't think ANY other party will be interested in working with them. And the Grits get first chance to form a government.
If PP gets a majority, we are well and truly f'ed, though.
@AlexanderVI @clacksee This gets to the so-called vote efficiency. The CONS actually had the higher percentage of the popular vote in 2021, but that was almost exclusively concentrated in AB and SK
@clacksee PP ain’t winning a majority, and with no one to work with him, his reign will be short lived.
He won’t need long to ruin everything.
@clacksee Very interesting point! I wonder if a real legacy of the Trudeau 2.0 years will be that diversity in the cabinet is just expected, at least from Liberals? (Conservatives will install scumbag white men and a few token collaborators, of course.)