Ihr Lieben,
Ich brauche eure Hilfe :)
Meinem YouTube-Kanal fehlt nicht mehr viel bis zu 100.000 Views, drum bitte ich euch:
Geht auf https://www.youtube.com/@kathrinhaertel , sucht euch euer Lieblingsvideo/-Short/-Playlist und teilt es mit allen, die sich auch dafür interessieren könnten. Danke!
#music #blockflöte #recorder #musicvideo
@benbrown depends on your workflow.
You can even use a #RaspberryPi with the #HDMI2CSI adapter board.
Don't forget that cracking #HDCP is a legal no-no, but there's no way for anyone to find out...
Passend zum schönen Wetter (zumindest im Großraum Frankfurt)
I recorded a new Short!
'Which side are you on?'
A new YouTube-Video is online!
If you like it, you may share it with everyone, you know
During the early Baroque period, as a counterbalance to the increasingly slower Gaillarde, another dance developed: the Courante. Later, the development split into the Italian Corrente, which remained fast and featured continuous quavers, and the French Courante, which was more moderately lively.
#music #blockflöte #recorder #barockmusik #baroquemusic #flautodolce
I recorded another YouTube-Short today - the "Solidaritätslied" (solidarity song) by Hanns Eisler and lyrics written by Bertolt Brecht. I hope you enjoy my version on the bass #recorder :)
#music #blockflöte #hannseisler #bertoltbrecht #solidarity #solidaritaetstatthetze #InternationaleSolidaritaet
I haven't done a proper #introduction post so here it is! :)
I'm a professional #recorder player from #frankfurtammain
There's more information on https://www.kathrinhaertel.de
And you can listen to me on https://www.youtube.com/@kathrinhaertel
Most of my musicians life (when I'm neither teaching nor doing YouTube-Videos) I play with my Duo 'Flauto Attiorbato' ( https://www.flauto-attiorbato.com )
I'm a huge #booklover since almost ever and #vegan since 2015
Looking forward to getting in contact with all of you!
Hey look what I did yesterday!
(A new thread wrapping for the joint of my soprano #recorder to replace the broken cork seal.)
Who understands #recorder tuning? Certainly not this recorder player.
On my way home from an evening of #recorder playing. Music makes everything better.
Hey, I was wondering if there are any other #recorder players here.