@bombadil Ich bin mir recht sicher dass das illegale Datensammlung ist und würde bewusst falsche Daten angeben oder dies konsequent verweigern, weil unzulässig!
Bin mir sicher https://wbs.legal oder @noybeu oder @Bundesverband / #Verbraucherzentrale würden gern mehr erfahren...
@benbrown depends on your workflow.
You can even use a #RaspberryPi with the #HDMI2CSI adapter board.
Don't forget that cracking #HDCP is a legal no-no, but there's no way for anyone to find out...
When you're getting "the vibe" that you might be arguing with "the legal department" (of a large company) - state the facts, and DO NOT flesh it out!
1st: STATE THE FAKTS - only the fakts
2nd: shut up! DO NOT "express" your "wishes"! Legally, wishes mean NOTHING! …they're "wishes"!
3rd: shut up! DO NOT engage! If anything, copy and paste your previous reply!
4th: now might be the time time to contact a/your lawyer!
@davidbisset pretty shure such terms are null, void and illegal in #Germajy as they are neither expectable nor necessary and infringe upon good faith and trust of users.
Check your local laws. Remember, the legal fight afterward is the price of the fun.
However, if you just happened to have a rolled up magazine to hit them in the gut with, well it was reading material.
Remember, kids, political assassination is highly illegal,but advocating for the legalization of political assassination? Perfectly legal! Rather confusingly, advocating for political assassination is also illegal, but advocating for the legalization of advocating for political assassination is totally legal. #notlegaladvice #iamnotalawyer #imightbeawalrus