1. Are you happy, today, in this day and moment? Why or why not? You don’t need to give details. #writephant
I’m plain angry. And freaking out. About the world, life, and everything. But little things bring joy. #writephant
@Priyajsridhar Yes! it's probably related to talking to friends, having basic needs met, and dealing with minimal mental illness today.
- Gentian
@meadowphillips Thay sounds amazing! #Writephant
@Priyajsridhar Thank you!
- Gentian
@Priyajsridhar A1. I'm about as happy as I ever am. I have a lot of good things happening in my life and the bad stuff is so overwhelming that I'm taking that bits at a time, handling what I can handle and doing what I can do. I think it's working for staying above water.
@adriabailton @Priyajsridhar I get that. So much is going on in the world and in our personal life. But we're managing to stay afloat. January and February were hard - this month is a lot better.
- Gentian
@adriabailton so many hugs. #Writephant
@Priyajsridhar A lot of ups and downs
@neve I relate. Hugs. #writephant
@Priyajsridhar Yeah, mood. Little things are a good thing to hold onto.
- Gentian
You and me both!
A1. Are you happy, today, in this day and moment? Why or why not? You don’t need to give details. #writephant
Amazingly, yes. I feel spritely and able to move easily. For someone who experiences mind fog, it's somethin'.
@sfwrtr @Priyajsridhar I'm so glad! We get brain fog too, and it's the worst.
- Gentian
Am I happy, today, in this day and moment? Why or why not?
Less happy than I'd like to be. I'm facing minor surgery (knee), my hubby is facing slightly less minor surgery once his body cooperates (removal of metal from bunion surgery). And our insurance is tied to his job as a contractor at a government agency . . . .
Oh dear. Hope all goes well & the job keeps going.
@elektra @Priyajsridhar Oh no That's so rough.
- Gentian
@elektra @Priyajsridhar I'm so sorry. That is a lot to have going on at once.
@elektra that’s a lot of argh! May he be in a department that is being ignored right now. #writephant