attention-starved youth
yields content not character
the chaff from the wheat
Olives ripening on the branch, watercolor.
Yesterday I came home to a box of tomatoes at the back door. More HongKong style tomato and egg #harvest
The first day of Autumn started a little cold. Rode to Bracknell and then Westbury for lunch of an eggplant harvest. Said hello to Jax the dalmatian. Such a life affirming day. NEEDED IT! #tasmania #motorcycle #harvest #food #doggo
#harvest : also, the season of gathering grain and fruits, late summer or early autumn
- French: récolter
- German: die Ernte
- Italian: raccolto
- Portuguese: colher / colheita
- Spanish: cosecha
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I share other people's poetry quite often. Here's one I wrote myself.
Red radish bunch, watercolor painting. Spring is around the corner!
Edible radish seed pods, volunteer cucumber, delicious apples from a tree I grew from seed, and my Amazonian peppers, mi ají Amazonico #gardening #bounty #cosecha #harvest
Last of the tomatoes, except for the bajillion green ones that are still on the vine.
There's a permaculture potluck next Saturday. I could make a big batch of the roasted tomato, garlic, and chickpea dish but WHAT IF everyone else is in the same situation and makes the same decision?
Picked the last of this year's basil. Frost tomorrow night, maybe tonight. When I was a kid, fall was my favorite season. Then I became a gardener.
"Huh? #Harvest of souls?" Rory mused. "What does that mean?"
As she'd promised, Tseluna had introduced Rory to video games and he'd quickly become enthralled.
"Some people believe humans have a non-biological component, the soul, that persists after death."
"Really?" Rory said. "Weird."
"And they imagine various kinds of magical creatures that can harvest these 'souls'."
Rory scrunched up his face as he tried to comprehend the unfamiliar idea.
"Does that really happen?" he asked.
I got five beautiful pumpkins and five butternut squash. There are more butternut and acorn squash that don't look ripe, and not many more days before a freeze. Do you have any good recipes for not-quite-ripe winter squash?
Lughnasadh Blessing:
May your harvest be sweet,
and your labor honored.
May your plate be full,
with plenty to share.
blessed be — Thorn
"...#SolarPanels mounted half a meter above bare soil...
higher temperatures can decrease the lifetime and
"...efficiency of #SolarPanels.
Cooling mechanisms:
-plants reflect less solar radiation than the bare soil
- panel higher above ground...better air circulation
"There are a lot more questions to answer about the relationship between solar energy and #crops (how to more effectively plant, grow, and #harvest those crops...
Lovely Peeps, esp those of you of any #faith / denomination: does your place of worship celebrate a #harvest festival?
If so, what parts (hymns / psalms / rituals / other) are most meaningful? Why?
Do you distribute the food w/i the congregation? (As opposed to foodbank donation.) How to choose the recipients & do so sensitively?
Also, any thoughts/advice welcome, but am esp thinking of fresh produce; that those with gardens giving their firstfruits to those in the congregation in need.