making a list of books i'd like to read in 2022; calling out to fedi, what are the best books you've ever read (fiction and non-fiction) ?
(feel free to boost; i'd love to hear everyone's favourites :3)
i can start
i have no one favourite book (or rather i do but it's always different on any given day) so i just like recommending books ive read in the last year or two which i've loved, so a few of those were:
the circle by dave eggers
people of the whale by linda hogan
hard-boiled wonderland and the end of the world by haruki murakami
season of migration to the north by tayeb salih
vibrant matter by jane bennett
a billion black anthropocenes or none by kathryn yusoff
wow just a little follow-up thank you for everyone who responded to my call-out for book recs it has been so fun and exciting and interesting reading everyone's suggestions and im so grateful !
replying to this toot of mine that's nearly 1 year old bc im (kinda but not really) nearing the end of reading IT so im looking for my next read :o this post got so many amazing replies and suggestions so defo have a gander if ur interested :>
im in the mood for an older book, a classic love story that will make me cry loool
but im also (after IT for obvious reasons haha) kinda craving a shorter read
and those two things don't really go together
why are nearly all the books im wanting to read like 1000+ pages long what does this say about me