Started cutting out the rectangles for my floaty skirts. (Just comfy, not fitted.) The first is cotton gauze, which is great for this kind of skirt, but it’s kind of a pain to work with. Because it’s a loose weave it tends to wiggle around and be hard to cut accurately.
There’s a trick to cutting a straight line across woven fabric, where you pull out a thread and then cut along the gap where it used to be.
I’m starting by straightening the ends. The photo of the cut end is the correct color
Sometimes the thread breaks, and then I cut along the line over to the end and start over. The end can be small and hard to grab; I like to use a pair of forceps I bought new for this and other sewing purposes. (The things one learns on the internet.)
The cat decided to help me with this project, and I was able to sneak the other end of the fabric out from under her despite a bit of growling.
She put horrible creases in the fabric, so I got it wet and hung it up on the line. This will also help with straightening the fabric. (An easy process with gauze; more difficult with most other fabric.)
This skirt will have three panels, so I’ll cut the rectangle into thirds using the thread-pulling method. Then I’ll gently press them (I don’t want to mess with the crinkles that are supposed to be in this particular kind of fabric), and sew them together.
@gannet oh! I found a good, ethical source of Indian cotton gauze if you want the link.
@Sisuile I would, please!