I've finally done it. I've written an email to businesses I buy from that are still on #Shopify. This will be going out to them all.
If you have a monthly subscription to any product that's not through Amazon, it's probably hosted by Shopify. Dog food That's Shopify. Coffee? You guessed it. Toilet paper? Yep.
Will you join me in writing to small businesses and asking them to consider switching hosts?
I've shared my email template below, though yours may obviously be different.
Hi WGAC team,
First, I want to tell you I love your toilet paper. And I hope to continue buying it.
But here's the thing… I don't know if you're aware of what Shopify senior management team has been up to. They've aligned themselves with fascists.
As a fellow small business owner with a Shopify store, I've made the commitment to move my business away from Shopify. It's going to take me hundreds of hours to redevelop entire site and recreate all my integrations. But it's the right thing to do.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them. Shopify's senior management team has made it clear who they are. I believe them.
#Shopify #Antifascism
For me, continuing to support a business once it's aligned itself with fascism is a big no. Even though it's going to cost time and money to make this move, I'll do it.
I hope you'll join me. I'd love to keep doing business with you.
@clacksee have a look at prestashop
I was going to respond to say that I'd decided to go with Square, but on a whim I decided to have a quick look at Prestashop and I like what I see! You might just have changed my mind.
Genuinely thinking this looks amazing. Thank you for sharing.
@clacksee you are welcome
#PrestaShop even has tools for migration, so I won’t necessarily need to rebuild everything line by line!
@clacksee I'm trying my darnedest
@clacksee aw fuck. Is that why nobody is going to my online shop to buy stickers?