2. The old cliche is that writers produce better art when they suffer. Writers today say that it’s the opposite, that we do better work when we’re happy. What do you think? #Writephant
@Priyajsridhar A2. I think that suffering produces good art is just an excuse to let people suffer.
I can't produce art when I'm at my worst healthwise, so I don't think that suffering is required for good art.
I know the art I produce when I'm happy is different than when I have other pressures and still produce art. But generally, burn out is a thing suffering leads to and there's just no art then.
@adriabailton @Priyajsridhar A good answer!
- Gentian
Good point. It's just like "starving artist" is somewhat of a cliche or accepted situation. Do we really have to starve?
A lot of art that has survived through the centuries was produced by people who had patrons that basically paid them to live (and not starve) so they could produce art. The idea of starving artists is a newer concept. Obviously we shouldn't need to starve!
(This is an agreement post.)
This is true. For much of my life having to make a living kept me from writing.