Ended up choosing to use the #LRT instead of the escooters, hygeine concerns and price being the influential factors.
On the one hand, #escooters: socially distanced, fun, fast, new experience for me in this city BUT no #sanitizer on me for handlebars, helmet squick, probably gonna cost me more than transit in the long run.
On the other, #ION: people so I have to mask, less fun (but still cool as heck), no helmet, #cheaper for a single ride.
Plus I can toot about #transit while on it.
Forgot to mention the mental fatigue that comes with constantly being on the lookout for murder machines as I navigate my fragile, unprotected body through the city streets on an #escooter. These ones are apparently locked so you can't use them on sidewalks. I have some safety Concerns (sometimes I hop on to the sidewalk to avoid particularly evil-looking Big Trucks). Sometimes I just don't have the spoons to pay the toll that comes with escooters, frankly.