We're in that phase again. Get there every time something Scary happens.
Trying to invent new resistance on the fly, urgently, is not *helpful.*
If you feel desperate and disconnected.
If you feel like you need to swing in and save the day in order to be meaningful.
Your job is to show up in communities and listen.
You don't lead by showing up at the end of the beginning.
You will save more lives by being an ear* and a shoulder and helping hands digging garden rows, than a megaphone for your own anxiety, a great deal of the time.
This is hard if you're young and this is your first time experiencing this cycle.
It's hard if you're older and not used to being threatened.
It's hard if you're white and not used to not being centered.
But you've gotta practice.
@Genderqueerwolf Ky ...
May I screen grab these to share elsewhere?
Those two posts are an absolutely brilliant distillation of why humans need to operate in community, first, if we're ever going to shift the arc into the future. Which is the whole purpose of a whole-ass grad degree I'm trying to work on!
Off I go to figure out how to cite "toots" in APA 7 format.
@Johannab (It's Ky )
And, absolutely. @Genderqueerwolf is also the name I publish under, so you can use that.
@Genderqueerwolf apologies, will correct the name typo - and use your nom de ... electron?
@Johannab Since my typewriter is from 1938, is it a nom de loom?
(I don't speak enough French to make these jokes work for long)