Thank you apple intelligence for this summary that partially correct and partially extremely wrong
(yes, for most #stem fields one can sign up for daily #arxiv updates for your field. Consider it, it's a very efficient way to keep up with the literature. #professortip #academia)
Happy #Nowruz to all who celebrate. Makes much more sense to me to celebrate the #NewYear at the beginning of spring on an astronomically significant day rather than on some odd, astronomically insignificant day in mid-winter. I mean, what’s up with that anyway? So to celebrate Nowruz, which BTW is observed by an enormous population including in Iran, Central and South Asia, I’m posting a short video memorial to one of the greatest #mathematicians ever, who happened to be an #Iranian woman, Maryam Mirzakhani. The first woman to win the Field’s Prize, math’s equivalent to the Nobel, Mirzakhani broke barriers and forever changed her chosen field. A Harvard graduate and former professor at both Princeton and Stanford, she deserves more attention than she gets. Regrettably, she died far too young at 40. May the new year bring us more genius minds like hers. #math #mathematics #STEM #WomenInSTEM #science
Beautiful shot captured yesterday by Curiosity in the canyon between Gould Mesa and Texoli Butte
#Mars Mar. 18, 2025 (Sol 4484)
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk
#stem #science #space #psychology #astrophysics
Following the scientific consensus isn't succumbing to groupthink or following the herd or resisting new ideas. It's how to ensure you're the least amount of wrong as humanly possible
Cooperation between nations is the path to the #future. Privatization and expecting everything to turn a profit will lead to waste and subpar products.
#stem #Science #health #medicine #microbiology #physiology #research #spiffy #StLouis #Missouri
Researchers find missing link in autoimmune disorder. It's always in the last protein you look
Sand-sized fossils hold secrets to the history of climate change https://theconversation.com/sand-sized-fossils-hold-secrets-to-the-history-of-climate-change-250928 #climatechange #fossils #science #STEM
Water cooperation is essential when countries share lakes and rivers – yet it’s been deteriorating in many places, with serious consequences https://theconversation.com/water-cooperation-is-essential-when-countries-share-lakes-and-rivers-yet-its-been-deteriorating-in-many-places-with-serious-consequences-251864 #environment #science #STEM #politics
A Lunar Sunset Video capturing the horizon glow. The NASA science team is excited to analyze these images further and share more on the findings soon!
Credit: Firefly Aerospace https://flic.kr/p/2qSJJfR
Sunset on the Moon captured by Firefly’s Blue Ghost lunar lander. With Earth and Venus on top of that!
Credit: Firefly Aerospace https://flic.kr/p/2qSHJA7
Scientists report growing threats to manatees, the herbivorous giants essential to southern U.S. waterways. This ”Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom" clip documents #conservation efforts pairing orphaned calves with surrogates before their return to natural habitats.
Learn more: https://thekidshouldseethis.com/post/manatee-rescue-florida-blue-state-spring-park-sanctuary