Good morning everyone Long lie for me today as Grant got up for the parrots. I am sitting with them now drinking my first coffee. Ziggy is grumbling happily while chewing on her plastic links, Jadie is fighting with her toys and Toby is searching through his bowl for any piece of breakfast he may have possibly missed. Yesterday evening when he came out he went to sit on the bookshelf behind his cage and stayed there until it was time for him to go back in for the night. Usually he is causing chaos by trying to get behind the telly or trying to chew Grant's nerdy figurines (he has a particular fondness for the Emperor Palpatine bobble head) but sometimes he just chooses to sit and contemplate the world quietly, making just the occasional thoughtful clicking noise
A bimble round Lidl this morning and then back to crochet for custom orders later.
Have a lovely day, whatever you get up to
A viewer called my Twitch stream, "3d Radio," this weekend + I thought that was cool! Catch me again this Saturday for 21st-Century Synth & Darkwave, then Sunday @ 11 a.m. EST for the After Dark Angels Raid Train for Spaniel #Rescue. Lots of love + see you soon!
Good morning Fellow Travellers on Spaceship Earth I'm up with the parrots again today and have just finished a lovely little cuddle session with Ziggy after she initially freaked out due to my new pajama trousers. They are classic Dutch ceramic blue and white and I had forgotten that another pair of trousers with the same colouring elicited the same reaction in the past. Given her genetic heritage you have to wonder if there is some ceramic blue predator lurking in the Brazilian forest that still remains to be discovered?
Poor Jadie is bald over her left eye and right nare again. We thought she'd avoided the weird moult this year, but no such luck. Still no idea what causes it, but if previous years are anything to go by the feathers should hopefully grow back in a few months.
Fresh chop to make and then I will be working on two custom crochet orders.
Have a lovely day, whatever you get up to
Your favorite photos of your pet can be painted too, be they dog, cat, horse, parakeet, rabbit, whatever you've got, if you can send me pics, I can paint them, and for a fine deal too ~~~
I hadn't seen my daughter's cat all morning. Usually she's begging for attention at some point. I went looking for her, and this is what I found. #CatsOfMastodon #petsofmastodon #cats
We're baaaack
She chose to get on that stump. She said "My fans are waiting, I must give them everything. Photograph me like you've never photographed me."
Good morning everyone I am doing a third day of Upstairs Ninja this week as Grant continues to make sure I recover from my Mecfs crash. I will get up for the parrots again tomorrow though to give him a break and let him play video games late into the night tonight
There was really indignant screeching from Madame Ziggy earlier and I could hear Grant yelling, "I'm coming!" back at her. She really is a demanding little bossy boots that one. At night, once she has eaten her dinner she will start demanding "Come! Come!" slowly and fairly quietly, but boy if you don't hop to it and settle her down for the night the demand becomes more frequent, loud and strident. Ziggy will not be ignored, that's for sure
Final work day of the week for me. It's been a long week, but also really fast. Meetings and some technical bid writing on the cards today.
Have a lovely day, whatever you get up to
went to the #Budgie doctor for their check-up and pedicures today
Both are healthy, weighing in at around 38g
We're home, and they are now exploring their cage, eating treats, and listening to music
I wonder how long it will take them to forgive me this time?
Hope you are having a terrific Tuesday and are having treats to balance any indignities!
Wurde mir gerade geschickt mit der Bitte, es zu teilen. Gibts hier im Fediverse sowas wie "Vermisste/Entlaufene Hunde"?
#dogs #dogsofmastodon #pets #petsofmastodon #missing #entlaufen #tierschutzhund #berlin #brandenburg
P.S.: Man kann es gut oder schlecht finden, Hunde aus dem Ausland nach D zu holen, aber dieser Hund muss jetzt erstmal gefunden werden.
Good morning everyone I'm doing Upstairs Ninja again today, but I had to get up earlier to sort out Ziggy's medicine as I had forgotten to do it before I went to bed and Grant isn't confident about sorting it himself
Of course Ziggy heard me coming downstairs and raised the roof for a good wee while, so trying to go back to sleep for an hour was really futile. I did manage to doze off just about ten minutes before I had to wake right back up again which resulted in a bright vision-like dream of a shield with a shimmering ring of diamond lights around it.
It looked so real that I tried to reach out and touch it and that's how I woke up
I have to go to the hospital for an appointment this morning and already have three meetings lined up before I go, so I'd best get started with work.
Have a lovely day, whatever you get up to
This sweet little large eyed DEMON was lying on my bed a few days ago.
I thought he was licking his paws.
He was chewing on one of the market bags I am going to paint and sell at art fairs this year.
I just found this out when the fabric looked weirdly crinkled.
I have violent feelings right now. But he doesn't know what he's doing.
I'll wash the bag and see if it's still usable.
Happy Monday! I disappeared for a bit as I had to help Mom with things like Easter decorations and lots of napping. We are also doing a lot of Duolingo as she will be taking a Swedish test soon. Anyway, this is one of my puzzles. I do puzzles live on TikTok.
#CatsOfMastodon #catstodon #cats #cat #ragdoll #petsofmastodon #pet #smart #puzzle #gamer
Good morning you lovely lot I'm playing Upstairs Ninja again this morning as Grant and the parrots snooze There wasn't too much indignant shouting from Madame Ziggy earlier, and only one loud squawk from Toby, who used to squawk all the time when Grant was cleaning them, so it looks like they have Grant well trained now
I'm just about to open up the laptop, and after being off ill for a week it will no doubt be crammed with emails for me to look at, so I'm going to get right into that.
Have a lovely day, whatever you get up to