I really enjoyed Dredge and so I made my own mola encyclopedia page!
#videogames mid february, circled back to #dredge to play the iron rig dlc. i finished dredge long enough ago that i just started a new game file, but i think you could probably pick it back up after the main campaign.
the art still slaps, the new ship/equipment upgrades are very cool, and the music in particular is bangin’. i vacuumed up all the black gunk from the oil spill even though i didn’t have to just because it scratched that powerwash simulator itch
#Dredge gibt's jetzt auch für Android und andere:
Da warens nur noch vier! Hab heute aber insgesamt nochmal mehr als anderthalb Stunden gebraucht, um eine einzige der besonderen Mutationen zu fangen, die mir in #Dredge noch fehlen. Langsam wirds anstrengend. Zudem baut sich Frust auf, wenn man alles richtig macht, aber dann der Zufallsgenerator nicht mitspielt, obwohl ich alle Möglichkeiten ihn zu beeinflussen ausgereizt zu haben denke. Weiterhin ein klasse Spiel, aber ich sehe mich schon das Ende spielen, ohne den Katalog voll zu haben.
If I get my errands done in town and clean the litter boxes and take all the trash to the end of the lane I can snuggle in the blankets and play #Dredge until bedtime.
Today was my first day home alone in well over a month. Son has healed well enough from surgery to go spend some time at their dad's.
I spent my morning DMing my eldritch god-forest/twisted fairy tale campaign.
Had a nice little crafternoon where I cut out a bunch of panels to make reusable shopping totes
Played a little Dredge
Gonna have steak and twice baked taters with asparagus for dinner (DS doesn't eat red meat)
Been a damn nice Sunday.