It's Saturday stream-day! Time for some more #Okami and Japanese folklore and language! 3 p.m. EDT on my Twitch channel.

It's Saturday stream-day! Time for some more #Okami and Japanese folklore and language! 3 p.m. EDT on my Twitch channel.
Classic post: a comment on Diodorus. Diodorus Siculus was as prejudiced about foreigners as the average Euro or settler a hundred years ago, but he still knew that Phoenician cities had citizen-soldiers. #antiquidons #ancMedToot #histodons
Saturday, stream-day! I'll be playing more #Okami and talking Japanese folklore on my Twitch channel at 3 p.m. EDT.
#Archaeogaming #histodons #antiquidons
It's Saturday, and that means streaming! I'll be playing #Okami and talking about Japanese folklore and language, 3 p.m. EST on my Twitch channel.
#Archaeogaming #antiquidons #histodons
It's Saturday stream-day! I'll be playing more #Okami and talking Japanese folklore, language, and gaming on my Twitch channel at 3 p.m. EST.
#Archaeogaming #antiquidons #histodons
Saturday means stream-day! I'll be playing #Okami and talking Japanese folklore (and probably orthography) at 3 p.m. EST on my Twitch channel.
#archaeogaming #histodons #antiquidons
Oh hey, it's Saturday! It's time for more #okami ! I'll be playing it and talking about Japanese folklore, 3 p.m. EST on my Twitch channel.
#antiquidons #archaeogaming #histodons
It's Saturday stream-day! I'll be playing more #Okami and talking Japanese folklore on my Twitch channel at 3 p.m. EST.
#archaeogaming #antiquidons #histodons
Despite everything, it's still Saturday, and that means it's time for my Ancient Gaming stream! I'll be playing more #Okami and talking Japanese folklore at 3 p.m. EST on my Twitch channel.
#antiquidons #archaeogaming #histodons
It's Saturday stream-day! I'll be playing more #Okami and talking Japanese folklore at 3 p.m. EST on my Twitch channel.
#antiquidons #histodons #archaeogaming
It's Saturday stream-day! I'll be playing more #Okami and talking Japanese folklore, 3 p.m. EST on my Twitch channel.
#archaeogaming #antiquidons #histodons
It's Saturday stream-day! I'll be playing more #Okami and talking Japanese folklore on my Twitch channel at 3 p.m. EST.
#archaeogaming #antiquidons #histodons
It's Saturday stream-day! Time for more #Okami and Japanese folklore, 3 p.m. EST on my Twitch channel.
#archaeogaming #histodons #antiquidons
It's Saturday, and that means streaming! It's time for more #Okami and Japanese folklore, 3 p.m. EST, on my Twitch channel. Praise the sun (wolf
(god)) on the shortest day of the year!
#archaeogaming #antiquidons #histodons
It's Saturday stream-day! I'll be capitalizing on that sweet #Okami sequel news by playing more Okami and talking about Japanese folklore, 3 p.m. today on my Twitch channel
#antiquidons #histodons #archaeogaming
It's Saturday stream-day! Time for some more #Okami and Japanese folklore! 3 p.m. EST on my Twitch channel.
#archaeogaming #antiquidons #Histodons
It's Saturday stream-day! I'll be playing more #Okami and talking Japanese folklore on my Twitch channel at 3 p.m. EST!
It's Saturday stream-day, and I'm starting #Okami and talking Japanese folklore over on my Twitch channel at 3 p.m. EST!
#archaeogaming #antiquidons #histodons
It's Saturday stream-day! Dan and I will be playing more #BattleofOlympus and talking Greek mythology and video game history at 3 p.m. EST on my Twitch channel.
#antiquidons #histodons #retrogame #archaeogaming
Ancient Gaming resumes! It's Saturday stream-day for my #archaeogaming stream, and this time I'm joined by my friend Dan to play #retrogame Battle of Olympus and talk about Greek mythology and video game history. 3 p.m. EDT on my Twitch channel!