Four flaperon halves have been painted. (And the spinner and wingtip chair in the background of 2nd photo)
#avgeek #aviation #ElectricAircraft #ExperimentalAviation #homebuilt
#Glider #DIY #Wing #Flaperon #Primer #Paint #Sand
Four flaperon halves have been painted. (And the spinner and wingtip chair in the background of 2nd photo)
#avgeek #aviation #ElectricAircraft #ExperimentalAviation #homebuilt
#Glider #DIY #Wing #Flaperon #Primer #Paint #Sand
The progression of sanding one of the wingtip wheels...from lumpy surface (applied with a brush) to fairly smooth. (See alt text of the images for a bit more discussion.)
This is a follow up to:
#avgeek #aviation #ElectricAircraft #ExperimentalAviation #homebuilt
#Glider #DIY #Wing #Fiberglass #Composite #Primer #Paint #Sand
#lispyGopherClimate #lisp #programming #podcast #live Wednesday 0UTC
#climateCrisis #haiku and #risk #inequality #essay by @kentpitman
#libre #archive update from @hairylarry
#ELS2025 submissions extended to Sunday. #LaTeX #ACM #primer / past #proceedings
Notes from my first #language #parser #commonLisp #mcclim #chess
If there are guests, there are guests(?)
The two fiberglass wingtip wheels have been sanded, cleaned with acetone, then covered (sloppy brush) with two thick coats of polyester primer.
They are now curing next to the garage wood stove.
Tomorrow morning they will be ready for sanding to prep them for final spray painting.
#avgeek #aviation #ElectricAircraft #ExperimentalAviation #homebuilt
#Glider #DIY #Wing #Fiberglass #Composite #Primer #Paint
Reading #GURPS #Atlantis by #SteveJacksonGames. One of the things I like about gurps #handbooks is that they're NOT just "lore" or fiction created jsut to pad the book. The first part of Gurps Atlants is a #primer on #PLATO and his #Republic. Then it goes on to people influenced by Plato, and then #theosophy.
There's even information of #Crete and the alleged #MinoanAge.
The archivist put the ancient copy of A #Primer of The Faith of the Air into Zenaida's hands, and she opened it carefully. The paper it was made with contained dandelion seeds & tiny, downy feathers. She turned to the catechism.
Question the First: Who are the Divinities of the Air? Answer: The Cloud, The Smoke, The Rising Vapor, The Floating Seed, The Winged Insect, The Bird.
"Is it what you were looking for?" the archivist asked.
"Yes," Zenaida replied, eyes shining.
Today's Wandering Shop Stories #prompt is #primer. Feel like writing something short and sweet that has the word "primer" in it? Check out the definitions of the word at: Join in and tag it with #wss366! #writing #WritingLife #microfiction h/t @tobadzistsini
#Looper is not the most twisty-turny time travel thing ever (that's #Primer) but I need to watch it again #RianJohnson