Guess who DOUBLED their prism diopter count in a year? This gal right here, oh yeah.
(Basically PD count is how they measure how strong the muscles in my eyes are. My eyes always wanna turn inwards so I get double vision, and we're trying to make that not a thing that happens, so I've been training a lot.)
@arielkroon So... this is a good thing? And I should say well done?! Or am I confused?
@xtinadlr Yes, it is a very Good Thing! Thank you! It's a milestone in my quest to not be permanently crosseyed by fifty. I already have to ration out my reading time ... hence why I'm very into audiobooks and podcasts these days ...
@arielkroon How cool that there are exercises to strengthen eye muscles! I had do idea. And, yes, then, woot! Well done!!!
@xtinadlr It's a whole new world that I had no idea existed out there. Optometry and eye medicine is WILD.