What's happening, friends?
My big news for this week so far is that I *finally* got an appointment for Monday to talk to the surgeon about my crappy [pun fully intended] procedure I had last Friday. I already know the diagnosis because I looked at the operative report, but I need to know his insight and what the next steps are.
Also, I got up extra early [for me] yesterday so that I could throw In Sleep You Know into the #SPFBO ring. Because... why tf not, eh. Live bold and all that.
I also WENT TO THE GYM yesterday! It's the first time since maybe June of last year? Maybe even before that. I actually did really well, too! Not as much weight as I used to lift, of course, but my stamina was good, even with a mask on, and I don't ache unreasonably today.
Today I woke up and signed myself up for a writing class, because I decided that I want to take one a month or as I feel up to it. I want to keep investing in my craft and learning! [plus they're fun!!]