"I used to be ladylike and deferential but found it didn’t pay."
— Dr. Margaret Chung
A child of immigrants to the US—born during the Chinese Exclusion Act—Dr. Chung is the first known Chinese American medical doctor, who earned her degree in 1916.
Dr. Chung practiced medicine and became head of gynecology and pediatrics at San Francisco's Chinese Hospital. Her parents faced great hardships because of discrimination.
A genderfluid lesbian, Chung was beloved by her patients and many others, ranging from poor working people, to Hollywood stars, to a group of WWII Navy pilots who called themselves "Mom Chung's Fair-Haired Bastard Sons."
By the end of the war, over 1500 men from three branches of the military considered themselves her adopted children.
Chung led a remarkable life, retiring in 1955, at which time those "adopted sons" purchased her a home in Marin County, California.
Before this website entry is removed by the US government, you can read more about Dr. Margaret Chung here: https://www.nps.gov/people/dr-margaret-mom-chung.htm
Correction to 1:
First known Chinese American woman physician.
@thorncoyle back it up to Archive.org
@thorncoyle That's true of a great many people. Being deferential never did pay.
@thorncoyle oh wow, I see that Admiral Nimitz was one of her pallbearers.