"Hey. Come with me," I said.
He looked at me. He'd come home from school, heaved a huge sigh, then settled in front of the TV with a bag of chips.
He sighed, got up again, then followed me out the door.
We walked past the car and down the street.
"Where are we going?" he asked. (1/4)
"It's easy," I replied. "Find a flat stone and throw it like this." I picked up another rock and demonstrated.
He tried, but it just splashed in the water.
"Try again!" I said.
He picked up another rock and, time, he got two skips. (3/4)
We stood there skipping stones and, eventually, began competing to see who could skip the most. He was ecstatic when he won with six skips to my five.
"Hey, Dad," he said, finally. "Can I ask you something?"
"Always!" I said with a smile. (4/4)