Forrest glided over the park on silent wings. Watching. Far below, a park visitor unwrapped a piece of candy and dropped the wrapper.
Forrest went into a dive, swooped down, and collected the wrapper still on the wing. He landed noiselessly, without warning, on the man's shoulder. (1/4) #wss366
"Whoa!" the man said, then froze as razor-sharp talons dug into his flesh.
"WHO dropped this?" Forrest asked, holding the wrapper up before the man's eyes, the talons of his other foot digging in even further to maintain his balance.
"I… I did!" the man stammered. (2/4) #wss366
"And WHO is going to dispose of it properly?" Forrest continued. His beak clacked sharply near the man's ear, making him jump.
"I will!"
Forrest dropped the wrapper and with a powerful beat of his wings, lifted silently back into the air, to resume his patrol. (3/4) #wss366
@stevendbrewer Nice! More creatures like Forrest patrolling the park, por favor!