That one is heavily #ThePeripheral inspired, as a lifelong Gibson fan. I really love what his book and the show does in terms of, flipping between two worlds and showing the effects of that transit.
So I wanted to write a book in that vein, exploring near future tech. It's just 40k words still, but I have spent a lot of time in worldbuilding, character building, so maybe I've done 70k words in just random total counting reworked chapters.
I think what has held me back is just being a perfectionist, commiting the cardinal sin of editing before I finished the 1st draft. I look at that 1st draft like a mountain I gotta get to, but maybe it's really more of a downhill slide I gotta get on, and I keep looking down in fear
@solivagant - dude. Srsly. Just get the damn thing writ. (Me, I print out as I go - hullo, former typewriterist - and where I have changed my mind I simply scribble a note to go back and change things, and then carry on as though those changes have already been made, and fix it all in draft 2...)
@ChazBrenchley thanks for the boost :) it's hard sometimes to get the motivation