Hark! It's #AwardsEligibility time! This year, I had four short stories published, co-hosted Story Hour every week, and copyedited The Deadlands! Details in thread and at link. #TheDeadlands #StoryHour #StoryHour2020 http://www.pronouncedlahra.com/backmatter/2022/11/29/2022-awards-eligibility-post
“A Wise and Patient Mother.” Dark fantasy story in Weirdbook #45, edited by Douglas Draa (Wildside Press, July 2022). Possibly the only cli-fi story from the POV of Grendel’s grandma. https://amazon.com/dp/1479472905/ and available for free to all newsletter subscribers (free at my site) #Weirdbook #Grendel #cli-fi https://www.amazon.com/dp/1479472905/ http://www.pronouncedlahra.com/
“What the Dead Birds Taught Me.” Horror story in Nightmare #118, edited by Wendy N. Wagner (Adamant Press, July 2022). Grieving her parents, art major and secret necromancer Mary accepts help from the wrong man. An angry modern retelling of “Bluebeard.” #Nightmare #Bluebeard #HorrorFiction https://www.nightmare-magazine.com/fiction/what-the-dead-birds-taught-me/
“What Is Lost in the Smoke.” Weird horror story in Chiral Mad 5, edited by Michael Bailey (Written Backwards, September 2022). The smoke-eaters reside in the sky, their existence sustained by what is burned. Welcome to fire season. #Weird #HorrorFiction #ChiralMad https://blog.nettirw.com/2022/09/27/chiral-mad-5-now-available/
“Your Lives of Uncertain Number.” Fantasy story in CatsCast, edited by Laura Pearlman (Escape Artists, October 2022). Cats may get nine lives, but nobody ever said what forms they take in reincarnation. One of my sweeter stories. #FantasyFiction #cats https://escapeartists.net/2022/10/03/catscast-7-four-stories-about-cats/
Story Hour, online reading series co-hosted with Daniel Marcus. Every Wednesday, Daniel and I have two speculative fiction writers read their own fiction—at least one complete story each—on Zoom and Facebook. #StoryHour #AwardsEligibility #StoryHour2020 #AuthorReading #ShortStories https://www.storyhour2020.com/
Monthly magazine THE DEADLANDS is now free with subscription, or piecemeal on the website through the month. Thoughtful and beautiful fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Pays pro rates, award-eligible as semipro. Give it a read! #TheDeadlands #ShortStories #Poetry #Nonfiction #Death #AwardsEligibility https://thedeadlands.com/