I have two versions, the #/5WildThingsIveDone that most people find Wild, and the version that feels more wild to me. I’ve recognized that those two don’t always align, but there’s validity in both!
#5WildThingsIveDone (what other ppl react to version):
1. Lived and worked in Tokyo for 7 months
2. Shaved my head just because I wanted to
3. Crashed a wedding (just for some dancing, paid for a drink, tipped well, lied to the wedding planner about having gone to college with Lisa, then ran)
4. Been a dungeon class example volunteer
5. Climbed the ruins of a lochside castle in Scotland
#5WildThingsIveDone (my opinions):
1. Got my first tattoo without knowing the exact design before I arrived for the appointment.
2. Asked for psych help when I needed it, including attending a partial. hospitalization program. It helped SO much!
3. Drove to San Francisco once a month for years to work on a backyard speakeasy magic show.
4. Traveled to stay in a historical Italian prison tower with a then-flame.
5. Chose to protect my joy and elope with my partner, only telling family after.