Its edging into #SFF awards season, so here’s a thread about what I’ve written in 2022 AND about stories that others have written that I’ve loved.
I published five short stories this year. They’re all linked here:
If you read only one story of mine, please read “The Inheritance of Dust and Leather”. It’s a dark fairy tale retelling of Beauty & the Beast. #fantasy 1/
I’m also very proud of “Becoming Miss Pennyworth”, which is my sci-fi take on Regency #romance that was published in Nature.
And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that “In the Cold, Dark Sea”, which has some very angry mermaids, was added to the Nebula Reading List. 2/ #fantasy #sff #awardeligibility #nebula
If you’re a #sfwa member, the Nebula Reading List is a great place to tell people about fiction you love. I regularly add favorite stories as recommendations.
Anyone can read it online, even if you’re not a SFWA member.
And now, my favorite part, where I get to tell you all about stories that I loved this year!
“If You Find Yourself Speaking to God, Address God with the Informal You” by John Chu in @UncannyMagazine is about superheroes & love. 4/
“D. I. Y.” by @Wiswell at is a story about using community and magic to overcome injustice. 5/ #fantasy #ShortStory #sff
(Brief interlude: I’m trying my best to tag authors here, but I’m new to this platform and I’m sure I’ll make mistakes. Apologies in advance.)
“Dear Joriah Kingsbane, It’s Me, Eviscerix the Sword of Destiny” by Alexis Collier in @diabolicalplots involves an opinionated talking sword.
“Wanderlust” by LP Kindred in Anathem is a beautiful love story that also has tesseracts.
“Rabbit Test” by Samantha Mills in @UncannyMagazine is just so damn good, and I’m going to need you to read it right away.
“Of the Body” by @FoxesandRoses in Beneath Ceaseless Skies has stuck in my head ever since I read it. It’s got a unique take on pregnancy in a fantasy world.
“Her Five Farewells” by Martin Cahill in Lightspeed Magazine is a fascinating look at a world without death.
“Plausible Realities, Improbable Dreams” by Isabel J. Kim, also in Lightspeed Magazine, is a really lovely story about multiverses; it’s beautifully-written.
I’m still reading stories from 2022, so I plan to add to this thread in the future, as I discover more fiction that I love. 9/#ShortStory #sff
@jennyrae I really enjoyed "Becoming..."
@culagovski Thank you! I’m glad you liked it!