Absolutely not THIS is the peak of user interface design!
Only because it shows :q on the page (and negative points for not showing :q! )
I have never forgiven vi for not starting in insert mode. And I never will.
When I open a text editor I want to type stuff and it to appear on the screen.
@marjolica I have made many attempts to get used to emacs, over decades. EVERY SINGLE TIME I got shooting pains in my wrists within hours. Guess what? The FSF are infamous for all their developers having repetitive strain injuries.
@cstross @marjolica a lot of the people I know that use emacs use evil mode or something like that (i.e. an implementation of the vi user interface) as their text editor
just saying :D
@valhalla @marjolica I tried to love evil mode, but frankly, nvim and a custom plugin load-out is smaller, works better, and is faster.