Glancing at the calendar, I see Mothering Sunday in the UK this year is the day the clocks change and we lose an hour of sleep. That seems par for the course at the moment.
@JulietEMcKenna I so wish we could have summer time abolished!
@bellinghman @JulietEMcKenna Not keen on it being light at 2am tbh.
@feorag @JulietEMcKenna Blackout blinds FTW there
We're going to be in Marienhamn for mid summer's day, and that's far enough north that even at midnight, it doesn't get properly dark, and without proper blackouts I'd never get to sleep
Summer time, as in Daylight Saving Time) is a bodge. It's not a lot of use at the Equator, and not in the polar regions either. But there are far fewer up there
@bellinghman @JulietEMcKenna Scotland and England should be in different timezones.