Anyone have any leads on a retailer of acorn flour in Canada? Like, we have so many oak trees, and I know it was a traditional ingredient for people here. It seems kinda bonkers that the only non-American retailer that I can find is Turkish.
#acorn #AcornFlour #TraditionalFoods #flour #glutenfreeFlour #baking
#oakTrees #oak #trees #HelpMeFindThis
@arielkroon It looks really expensive, so unless someone suggests to the wellness crowd that it's the healthiest thing ever, likely not a huge market for it? The only versions I see are on Etsy, either $18/300g (Turkey) or $151/230g (California).
@CStamp Yeah I think it's so expensive because it's pretty time consuming and finicky to make, but I'm so curious to try it....
@arielkroon Some sites that talk about how good it is suggest trying local health food stores, so if you have some places near you, maybe call? If they don't have it, maybe they can source it for you.
@CStamp yeah, that sounds like a great idea :)