Anyone have any leads on a retailer of acorn flour in Canada? Like, we have so many oak trees, and I know it was a traditional ingredient for people here. It seems kinda bonkers that the only non-American retailer that I can find is Turkish.
#acorn #AcornFlour #TraditionalFoods #flour #glutenfreeFlour #baking
#oakTrees #oak #trees #HelpMeFindThis
Artisan product coop opportunity???
@BrambleBearWhuffling Seriously though, I'm wondering why more people besides the single tiny Quercus Collective in California ( haven't gotten all over this yet. But if I wanted to start one up I'd probably get in contact with someone from the collective and get their tips haha.
@arielkroon yeah, lots of work xor some bunch of people but doesn't get you a bag of flour you can buy right now. Markets are weird. My guess is people who know enough to eat it and make it are probably off gridish in local community economies, not selling online. Hope you find something that works.