Are you really even #exvangelical if you haven’t judged your PK* friend in your heart because you’ve read through the bible numerous times and they haven’t done it even once?
*pastor’s kid
@Violinknitter it's fun that PK means the same thing in your world, but with slightly different wording than the one I grew up adjacent to! PK = preacher's kid (e.g. my mother)
@HollyGoDarkly Preacher’s kid is what I’m used to, too, really. I used “pastor” in case that made more sense to people who don’t use the term all the time
@Violinknitter hahaha -- high-five!
or low-five, I suppose
I'm an MK and a PK. Reading the entire Bible is no great achievement. Getting through the Minor Prophets is a slog in the wilderness, but the Books of the Kings are fine storytelling, if the characters aren't plaster saints.
I still call myself an evangelical - of the theological heritage of Whitefield and Wesley, a personal relationship with God, etc. It's an adjective, not a noun, evangelical - take God out of it and it looks just like Freudian therapy.