Freezing some Doubletree Hilton cookies for a rainy day :D Apparently they released the original recipe a few years ago.
Chocolate, oat and walnut.
I really love my souper cubes.
@MsHearthWitch this is a great use for the cubes!
@RavynWitch Isn't it just? These ones are specifically designed for cookies, they fit a #40 cookie scoop perfectly.
I'm also thinking of using them for miso mug prep.
It's thing I do where I use 1 Tbsp miso, 1/2tsp hondashi, and some green onions all in hot water as a thing to sip when I'm feeling poorly but need fuel. I had this idea to freeze them so they're just on hand and I can drop into a mug of near boiling water when I need one.
@MsHearthWitch @RavynWitch Oh, smart! (Both uses!)