I am currently stressing about one of my #2023Projects
The Scattered Stars Evasion trilogy is dear to my heart. They're my gay space dads with adopted troublemaker daughter dealing with random bullcrap books.
(Also I think my first out-and-out gay lead?)
There is one book left to finish the series.
But book two sold...poorly. 2023 is already a year where I'm finishing multiple series, which worries me.
So I can write this book, without which it's not a full trilogy...but which will sell about half to two-thirds what I figure a brand-new space opera will sell.
(OTOH, unlike a new book, this one will sell the first two)
Or...??? I suppose I *could* abandon the series, but I did end book two on a bit of a cliffhanger.
Plus *I* want to see how it ends.
So the plan is to write it. But...it's a concern.
(And one I wish I could ignore, given that I have two books to write first!)
Oh yeah - and the fact that my first series with a gay male lead is underperforming doesn't make me twitchy AT ALL *sigh*