Sometimes instead of screaming I make art.
…sometimes in addition to screaming I make art. #embroidery
Sometimes instead of screaming I make art.
…sometimes in addition to screaming I make art. #embroidery
Ended up with a somewhat vain conference embroidery project. Unfortunately i have established that for fine outline-work embroidery, sulky fabrisolvy (printable water-soluble stabilizer) gives unacceptable results once it’s washed away (compare the stitches before and after). I’ll have to try remaking this with another transfer method. (Embroidery based on art by
Tawatchai Khid-arn / Alamy Stock Vector) #embroidery #scienceart
Fashion = self expression = art.
Is literally anyone else at this conference wearing a tie? No.
Do I enjoy looking fancy and somewhat gender non-conforming? Absolutely.
Oh hey biologist mastodon — i embroider so i can pay attention in meetings. But especially at conferences it’s fun if it’s nerdy or on topic. So looking for your favorite beautiful biology (preferably molecular biology) illustration that you think would be fun to embroider. @stevegis_ssg #biology #ScienceMastodon
And done! Very pleased with almost every part of this. Pretty sure I’m now going to do a series of gradients like this, the color blending was fun. #embroidery
Well if I want to (re)start posting in places that are less-terrible, I guess now is as good a time to start as any. Work in progress, colors chosen by me. I’m a sucker for a gradient.
I’m at Nikki Luparelli’s “David Boobie” burlesque show. This year the show opener was the whole cast stripping down to American flag bikinis to the tune of “I’m afraid of Americans” and if that isn’t the mood for November I don’t know what is.
Happy new years! I made a fancy dress. May the new year be kinder than the last.
Saw the Fashioned by Sargent exhibit at @mfaboston with @meg_aera and finally got to show off and document my Edwardian-ish waistcoat and blouse and my @fluevog boots. The exhibit was FANTASTIC everyone should go see it before it closes.
Went to a holiday party and they gave us all geodes to crack! This fragment called out to become jewelry. The soldering job is obviously a complete botch but I’m still proud of a couple new techniques and the fact that it captured the feel I was going for when I first saw the stone.
So far so not terrible? Definitely Learning Things about things i should have done with the lining seams when working with outside lace but…
This fabric is bullshit that should be left to professionals. Nevertheless… let’s see what happens.
…. How did i end up the sort of person who is flat-felling all the seams on her blouse by hand and enjoying it? I love the fact that i am growing and changing but sometimes it’s also Very Weird.
It has been years since I’ve done chain mail, so it’s nice to have an excuse to come back to it for this commission. Stainless links from “weave got maille” and pattern from SpiderChain’s gallery.
Work paid me to make SCIENCE ART for our networking event with OUTbio! I got to download organs from the Internet and print them in shiny candy colors on our Very Fancy Printer. I’m pretty pleased with how they came out. (And then I got to talk about the actual model organ system devices we ACTUALLY make for work using that printer.)
(heart, lung, kidney, inner ear, liver, lumbar vertebra, in case you needed a key.)
Somehow it’s particularly funny to have the conductor say “what matters is you start at the right time and end in the right place, not what happens in between” when one is playing music based on Nietzsche. (Which the conductor also just compared to 50 Shades of Gray).
Also, fuck you Strauss.
This makes me so mad. The solubility of NaCl in almost-boiling water (so best case for “hot” water) is under 400g/L. That means you need around three cups of almost boiling water to get a completely saturated solution. I don’t think that’s what anyone thinks when they read “a little hot water”. So either they don’t mean dissolve or…???
today I learned that you can adjust the speed on your kitchenaid. We have had this kitchenaid for over 25 years and the "stir" speed being too high has been bugging me for at least 20 of them but I didn't know it was a fixable thing. this is so much better!
The bio says “not actually Barbie” but it’s Halloween, so… This Barbie does science! (No, that’s not a custom Johanna-Barbie, that’s literally Mattel’s Science Barbie. So obviously I needed to get spoonflower fabric made and make a dress to match.)