Found the #ThursdayFiveList topic #TheCover to be right up my alley. I LOVE a good cover song.
5 - Igor and the Red Elvises - Bad Romance. I love the Red Elvises, and this cover in their signature style is just bonkers.
4 - Green Day - Working Class Hero. It's a good, solid cover!
3 - RichaadEB ft. Cristina Vee - Bad Apple!! This is my go-to 'sing away the stress' song.
2 - Cake - The Guitar Man. It's a nice bit of theming (since the original was performed by Bread), and John McCrea's voice just WORKS for this particular song.
1 - Gnarls Barkley - Gone Daddy Gone. Cee-lo makes the lyrics to this one sound even more sinister, which is a triumph.
Honorable mention: The Red Elvises do a live tour-only version of Let Me Teach You How to Eat, originally by the Reverend Horton Heat, and it's absolutely fantastic.