The thing that really keeps me from wanting to use print at home sewing patterns is the effort of assembling the print outs. Is there a better way to do this? #sewing
@kimu I've heard someone say it's easier to do the assembly against a window (when the sun is out). I've yet to try this cause I'm also not a fan of the printouts!
@kimu some people get a projector that lets them project a pattern onto a piece of paper on the wall to trace. I don’t know if that counts as a better method, but my friend who does this likes it.
@mjibrower Yeah, I’m assumming that Ditto will die a proprietary death. The DIY versions definitely looked more appealing when I was considering it.
(I decided to just stick with my DIY pattern blocks.)
@kimu There are online large format printers that you can send the file to and get it printed on A0 paper.
@kimu Take it to a print shop? I had my husband print out a pattern on larger sheets of paper and it wasn't nearly as painful to put together as I thought it was going to be!
@kimu use a projector! This easy software makes it simple. I’m loving using my new projector. It takes away all the frustration of dealing with pdfs and paper patterns.
@VillageSewist @kimu Cool that this works on Linux, too! That's pretty rare, or used to be.
@VillageSewist wow, that’s cool! What projector do you use with it?
@kimu I have an epson ultra short throw I got off of eBay. There are different types of projectors that work with different distances. This website helped: there’s also a Facebook group (ugh facebook) with a super helpful community.