I'm resisting the urge to reread and fiddle my opening chapters for the thousandth time. I can't read them again right now. I've done everything I can, with only a few chapters left to polish before the end. This book is so close to ready.
3 days, then let the querying begin.
#amwriting #amquerying #scifi
@LuminousLuke It's very much an odd feeling when you know you need to just stop.
@dvewlsh At this point, I don't trust my judgment. Read anything enough times and you'll start to hate it!
@LuminousLuke The book I'm dealing with I started in 2016 and finally whittled away at over the last two years, taking massive breaks from it.
I'm at draft uhhh 7 and I had to tell myself I've addressed every last bit of feedback I've gotten, punched things up and I think it's just done.
Put it aside to grind through a query letter but still feel that pull. Forced myself to send one (yes 1) query today so it feels done.
It's ridiculous. I've released 14 books since I started this!
@dvewlsh Wow, I know that feeling! I started this manuscript around that same time. Only my second completed manuscript, though. Cheers!
@LuminousLuke When I was workshopping my query letter someone said "you know, there's gonna be a lot of books they see like this now" and all I could do was sigh that I took this long to finish it. But alas.