My hubby, an enabler, got me a block printing starter kit for my birthday. Because I’ve been wanting to learn how to block print.
It only came with one block to carve but I have more coming. In the meantime I jumped in with both feet and promptly made a CLASSIC mistake.
So these are, ummmm, limited edition?
Edit: After further discussion I realize that I did this on purpose. The backward number is a statement about the state of the world. Who wants a print ?
@LuciaG My hot tip for this has always been to draw my designs with a pencil on paper, then copy that image to the block by just slapping the paper face down on it. Instant image reversal the right way up.
The stamping business is tricky because it makes you think you need to think about it harder than you do :D
@Mimesatwork That is a great tip, thank you!