Recorded an ep of the no-longer-on-hiatus #hockey #podcast, BEGINNER'S PUCK today, and it felt so great to get back "on the ice" with @DebStanish!
Also recorded an episode of THE INCOMPARABLE #podcast about #ThePeripheral, which I loved.
It's been a good podcast day!
Speaking of @theincomparable, I also recently appeared on our annual ep looking back at the previous year. I talked of my love for #DoctorWho, #GhostsUK & #GhostsCBS, and #JANN. Lots of great media recs (also books, games, movies, etc.) from the rest of the gang too!
@HollyGoDarkly @theincomparable I’m listening to it RIGHT NOW.
@HollyGoDarkly @theincomparable in the middle of your part I stopped to sign up for a 30-day free trial of Stack and I’m going to start watching Ghosts in a minute.