#WritersCoffeeClub 15 Jan
Would you ever hide your politics to avoid alienating some readers?
Nope. I don't WANT readers who would be offended by my politics because they are, to put it bluntly, shits. (Hint: if my endorsement of humanism, socialism, anti-authoritarianism, and environmentalism offends you, you ARE a shit, and this is a hill I'm willing to die on.)
EDIT: Don't listen to me, rebel. Laying down for fascists doesn't work. All hail our leader Charlie.
Maybe not use those exact words in your ultimatum. Things are about to get wild. Rather not join Charlie Stross memorial strongly worded letter and march.
I. Do. Not. Care.
Do not obey the fash in advance (that's how you end up in a ditch with a bullet in the back of your head)
Well shit Charlie, you are right. Damn, you are right. I don't know what to say. Godspeed you bastard.